
Monday, March 30, 2009

Herbs for life!

HT: Wayne Pratt Photo

There is a famous herb saying that I'm always quoting badly, due to having a very sketchy memory. I can never remember who said it and of course, I never do justice to the eloquence of any fabulous quote and I reckon if you can't quote it well, you might as well not quote it at all! I can never remember where I read them either...very frustrating.

I was floating around in a bath of stinging nettle and horsetail this evening, reading from my favourite herb book, How Can I Use Herbs In My Daily Life? I was enjoying reading about Gotu Kola and towards the end I found my favourite herb quote again. Not only that, it was quoted by a famous Catholic priest who was also a herbalist, Father Johann Sebastian Kneipp!

"For every illness on earth, there is a herb. Many people died, while the herbs that could have saved them, grew on their graves."

~ Johann Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897)


  1. hi
    i just found your blog and its really nice :) i like hearing simple day-to-day stories filled with the thoughts and ideas on Catholic living.
    keep up the good work,
    God bless,
    Olivia, Ireland

  2. , I have this quote in many places for me to remember, to seek first Our Lords provision in medical needs.


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