
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day delight

Today is Mother's Day. What a delight to wake to this! Six children very eager with a little package and card in hand! What thrilled me the most were their homemade cards (with the help of Nan..)

This is the front of the card from my George (6)

And here is the inside! That's a familiar face I see.....

My darling little Anna (1) had this card made up for her to give to me. Yes, definately a familiar face looking out at me...

The inside of the card..oh goodness, another photo!

My Therese (9) was responsible for this card..I think this girl knows her mum well!

The inside of the card...loved gardening since ever I can remember..

My Faustina (12) made up this card and here I am at her age with my best friend.

The inside of the card...we were skating fanatics...just LOVE my dress and long socks!

Francis (14) put together this card. I had owned a horse for a few years when we lived in the country.
Inside the dad and myself riding "Paint" my horse.

Finally, Ambrose (4) was given a little help with this of our dogs from many years ago in fancy dress.

Inside the card - I won first prize with this dress up for some event, Raggedy Ann and a Jack-in-the Box. I had won $500! Here I am with my sister and our dear nextdoor neighbour friends..we had alot of fun that day.

What a lovely walk down memory lane, just such a lovely blessing for me and lots of fun and giggles for the children.

Actually, I asked my dear children for a very, very special gift today. To offer their Holy Communions in honour of St Anne and St Appolonia for my jaw surgery this can you put a price on such a gift, especially when given with such eagerness and love?


  1. They are wonderful cards. Hope you had a good day :)
    ph P.S I am Olivia, I find your blog very helpful especially with prayers. Keep up the good work.

    God bless
    Olivia, Ireland

  2. Anne what a wonderful idea for cards ! That must have been your mum helping your children ;-)
    I also love how you all spell mum the same way we do lol
    I've a friend in Ohio and she described to our catholic online friends her first time hearing my voive how I say mom like mum the british way lol I'd never ever thought of it till then .
    I've a pic of me helping my gramma in her garden too I think I will make a post about her one day soon ;-)
    I can see you are already having a wonderful mothers day Anne ! Thanks so much once again you are an inspiration .

  3. Happy Mother's day Anne! Our kids must think alike as I received beautiful homemade cards also. Gave me a tickle.... they were up so early making them.
    I hope your day was great.

  4. Lovely, Anne. Your children are beautiful! Aren't homemade, thoughtful cards the best!!!

    I'm so pleased your Mother's Day was so delightful, and I'm offering up for you and your surgery!

  5. "Her children rise up and called her blessed."
    My dear Anne, this is you. :-)

  6. What a special day for you Anne! I will pray for a complete recovery from your surgery. God bless you!


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