
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gae has launched 'Hearts for Home'

I really looking forward to this.

Gae over at Cherished Hearts at Home has started a wonderful new weekly inititive for mothers called Hearts for Home.

Gae states:

"In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'."

This will be a blessing for me at present. With so much illness last year, with a few health challenges this year, I need to stop, think and focus. I need to collect my heart and the precious hearts of those around me in a way that cultivates love, gentleness and grace.

Please pop over to Gae's Announcing: Hearts for Home and read her full introduction and grab her lovely, little logo!

My commitment for the week to come will be:

1. To keep my voice gentle at the moments I'm tempted not to.

2. To continue working on charting the children's daily achievements in a positive way that encourages them to be diligent, hard working and giving.

3. To find a more positive, encouraging way to talk about a child's moment of weakness, with them.

4. To smile or show a face of love at the beginning of each conversation in the home.

5. To encourage some moment of wonder, daily, in the hearts of each of my children, particularly when outdoors.

6. Add a new prayer straight after my daily St Patrick's Breastplate prayer for each of my family members ~ three Hail Mary's for a happy and holy death, calling upon the intercession of Our Lady, St Joseph and St Anne.

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou Anne,
    Your list is wonderful, very inspiring.
    God Bless


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