
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hearts for Home

This week's Hearts for Home list is:

1. Continue to keep check on my general impatience which in turn effects my voice tone and level. Ask for this grace in prayer each morning.

2. Being intermittent last week on my new prayer for each family member, I will endeavour to recite every day for each family member after the St Patrick's Breastplate, three Hail Mary's for the grace of a happy and holy death.

3. Enjoyed successfully drawing attention to each children the wonder of nature around them, I hope to continue that this week as well, particularly in our own garden.

4. Making an extra effort to bake homemade and healthy treats for the children's afternoon tea and to use that afternoon tea time to spend time engaging the children on some meaningful topic.


  1. Oh what a lovely idea... I will have to check out more of these! Thank you so much for sharing yours.

  2. So happy to have found your blog!
    I love the prayer you say for your children each day!
    Wanted to share our online nature journal with you for enrichment in your joy of nature discussions!
    I'm now off to add your wonderful link to my blogroll.
    Hope you'll visit my blog too!
    God bless your sweet family!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated!