
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Magnificent Our Lady of Mt Carmel Medal

I've seen many, MANY beautiful vintage reproduction medals in the past year, made many lovely things with them. But look what arrived in the mail today. The most beautiful medal I've ever seen, dedicated to Our Lady of Mt Carmel. It has the words, "Dilecto Carmel" on the front, which means, "Beloved Carmel". There are four cherubs surrounding Our Lady and the Child Jesus. (Click photos open for larger picture.)

It is big, REALLY big. Sort of too big to make into a necklace I tend to think. One of those medals you don't really know how to wear....until I thought of scarves. I have just been down the street and bought some beautiful scarves for winter, when I arrived home my medals package was on the doorstep waiting for me.

Mum and I where wondering together what I could do with the medal and I'm looking at mum..she's wearing a scarf around her neck..."actually mum, the medal would make a beautiful religious ornament on that scarf you are wearing."

I quickly scrounged through my beads box and found some of Vintaj's solid brass chain and a lovely solid bronze clasp....perfect.

This is a fairly rough job, I did it immediately for mum and I to play around with, I wired on some of the chain from behind on both sides (cannot be seen at all from the front view of the medal) and then added this clasp.

Actually I'm going to re-do this, and have the chain unbroken, you would use the clasp to draw the chain in where you want to. I've chosen that particular clasp so that I can adjust the tightness of the chain, depending on the scarf worn, how thick it is. Also by tying the scarf just once, right up behind the clasp, secures the medal from working it's way off.

I will have the medal blessed and it will be a precious part of my winter wardrobe when going to Mass.

This is obviously not a cheap medal, it is sold in the States here I can sell this cheaper and I would also include the chain and clasp. Email me if you are interested and next time I place an order I can get one in.

I think it is utterly feminine, a beautiful Marian touch to some lovely, modest outfit.

Editing to add this photo tonight: Just about to head out to schola for the evening, wearing my scarf and medal.


  1. Love it, I usually wear a claddagh ring around my scarves. This is very gorgeous idea

  2. This is really lovely! Where does one find gorgeous antique catholic jewelry like this?

  3. I sell them and post overseas for those not in Australia or you can go to and order it there, it is US business but you would have to wire up the back for scarf wearing if you bought it from that site.


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