
Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 9 of the Thanksgiving Novena to St Anne



Dearest Saint Anne, teach me that a happy death is one of the Lord's most precious graces. It is the Father's loving welcome to His children who exchange this earthly life of trials for eternal happiness. A happy death can make up for all the afflictions and frustrations of this world, since it is a life where there will be no more pain or grief.

Tell me, Saint Anne, that a happy death is promised by the Lord to all men and women of good will, to all those who, with sincerity and deliberation, look upon the fulfillment of their Father's will as their main responsiblity on Earth. They are those who, through constant effort and prayer, never fail to fulfill God's will; or failing to do so, repent and start anew.

Dearest Saint Anne, help me walk on Earth in Christ's footsteps, in the light of His examples and teachings, loving the Father and my neighbour the way Christ loved them. Only then will my death be a happy one. Amen.

I would like to thank each and every lady that joined with me in the last two novenas, may St Anne bless you abundantly!

I had said that I would wrap up Tuesdays with St Anne which started up as a very special thanksgiving to St Anne for graces received, at the end of this novena as it has been running close to 18months now. But what I have decided to do is just to post from time to time because there will ALWAYS be something to share about St Anne, a new prayer, a new picture, a new when I do, it will be on a Tuesday using the Tuesdays with St Anne logo.

I hope very soon, to do up a comprehensive sidebar list to include 'the best of' Tuesdays with St Anne postings, please keep an eye out for that!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anne,
    Thank you for doiong these Novenas. I have been very appreciative of all your work.
    Praying for you.

    By the way I have tagged you for the current meme: Queen of all things Awe-Summm on my blog.

    God Bless


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated!