
Friday, August 28, 2009

Feasts of St Augustine & St Monica

Today we celebrated with dear friends, the feast of St, the double feast of St Augustine and his mother, St Monica.

The highlight of the meal was this cake which focuses upon the famous words of St Ambrose the bishop who said to the distraught St Monica, "A son of so many tears cannot be lost."

The cakes represent the prayerful tears of St Monica, the St Augustine biscuit/cookie on top tells us that he was raised to a bishop and raised to a saint through those prayers and tears.

I have to say it was a YUMMIEST catechetical lesson ever!

Pop on over to Catholic Cuisine to see how I made it and then you may like to read my posting on St Monica, St Augustine and spiritual motherhood over at Spiritual Motherhood for Priests.

Happy Feast Day!

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed to be a Mom!
    I love visiting your blog and hearing about your family. Thanks so much for sharing!

    On a different note, I wanted to share this novena with you. It was given to me by a friend who is a Catholic homeschooling Mom of nine children and an author. She told me that she and a group of couples suffering from infertility prayed this novena and in the next year every one of them were blessed with a child!

    Could you please pray this for me? Receiving this novena gave me hope! Thank you so much! I also thought we could pray for your sister. I will pray this novena for your sister too!

    Novena to JPII for _______ to conceive a baby.

    Dear John Paul II, servant of God, we believers of the Most Holy Trinity; Mary, the mother of God; St. Joseph; and the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church are united in prayers with those on the Catholic-Fertility list.

    Dear John Paul II, servant of God, who are already in heaven, this is a novena for your intercession that __________ becomes pregnant and delivers a healthy baby who will glorify and praise God.

    For people certain things are impossible to attain and sometimes people are unable to understand God's will, but we deeply believe in your intercession, JPII. You always defended children, especially the unborn ones, and you loved them above all. Please look at _________ who is asking for biological children. Look at the tears in her eyes begging to become a mother.

    St Ann, you gave birth at a late age to our Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Most Holy Mary. That is what God wanted. With God nothing is impossible.

    We believe that God, Creator of heaven and earth, will look kindly upon _______ and give her the blessing, through Mary, the Virgin Mother of God and JPII, of becoming a mother of her biological and adopted children whom she will love and thank God for.

    Deal JPII, please help our prayers to be answered and that _____________'s womb be filled with the beating heart of a tiny baby. We already give you thanks and sincerely believe in your intercession to God.

    Dear JPII, your beloved mother also asked God for you to be born. Please remember our prayers. Amen


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated!