
Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Night with Joanna Bogle and starting on Fr Pine

Here is the very beginnings of creating my own Father Pine, inspired by the thread at 4 Real called, Fr Oak. But I will come back to this and say that tonight I had a most enjoyable and informative time thanks to....
Joanna Bogle. Joanna is a British Catholic journalist, broadcaster and author..among many other inspiring things. I have enjoyed one of her books in the last few years and her show at EWTN.

She was in Australia to launch her new book above, A Yearbook of Seasons and Celebrations and I would have to say that I have never heard such an inspirational speaker as Joanna. It was a perfect night of information, humour and passion...a passion for her faith that she loves so much. If you ever have the opportunity to hear Joanna speak, don't miss out, whatever you do!

Our beloved Father Columba from Marian Valley launched Joanna's book on the night and as usual his speech was fanastic as only Father can be. He did say that one of his all time favourite books that he was introduced to in the seminary was one written by James and Joanna Bogle, A Heart for Europe and so that's a recommendation I won't take lightly, it's on the top of my book list.

It is the story of the lives of Emperor Charles and Empress Zita of Austria who are now blesseds. They were beatified by Pope John Paul II..who as a baby was named in honour of this Emperor.

I have for a LONG time wanted to get going with my own Fr Oak/Birch/Dowling, but in my case it was be a Fr Pine. Today I started on the different chasubles after visiting our discount fabric store, where I picked up material and braid.

"The word "chasuble" is derived from the Latin word "casula" or "little house" because it was at times literally used as a shelter by clergy. Unlike modern chasubles, traditional chasubles are required to have a large cross on the back to signify the yolk of service to our Lord. In times past it was very large, heavy and ornamented, which is why you see altar boys helping the priest to support it during Mass.

Vesting Prayer - "O Lord, who has said, ‘My yoke is sweet and my burden light,’ grant that I may so carry it as to merit Thy grace."

I was particularly happy with the white chasuble. The light cream material that I used had very light embossing over it which looks like priestly material. The gold material had a lovely pattern, so I cut a center circle of a little motif that looks like wheat in a Trinitary design. The gold braid was really beautiful.

When does the priest wear these vestments and what does the colour symbolize?

"White – Sometimes replaced by gold, white symbolizes purity, innocence, rejoicing and light. White is employed during certain periods throughout Christmas and Easter seasons. Also worn on feasts of our Lord, feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, non-Martyred saints, conversion of Paul, Saints John the Apostle and Saint John the Baptist among others. Worn during certain ceremonies such as weddings, baptisms and the burial of children. Also worn during the consecration of churches, altars and bishops."

I also loved how the red chasuble came up as well. The material was also embossed as you can see in this photo. I found some lovely white lace with red trim and deep maron braid. When is the red chasuble used and symbolized?

"Red – Red is symbolic of blood and fire and is worn during feasts of His precious blood. It is also representative of the Holy Spirit hence it is worn during the week of Pentecost. Red is also worn for feasts of Martyrs, Evangelists and Apostles."

And lastly tonight I made the Rose chasuble. It is not worn often so it is always special to see them and the two occasions they are worn are in very special seasons. Once again I found an embossed material and found the same lace that I used for the red Chasuble only in light pink/peach and I have used a lovely delicate braid around the outside.

When does the priest where these vestments and what does the colour symbolize?

"Rose – Rose indicates joy and is sometimes worn to symbolize respite or to augment the austerity during penitential seasons on the 3rd Sunday of Advent and the 4th Sunday of Lent."
Here they look foldered over as they will be when finally hung on Fr Pine...Fr Pine and the rest of the vestments are coming soon....


  1. wow ! I can't really say anything else lol

  2. Oh the vestments are just lovely, Anne!!! Love seeing all the different ways this idea translates into others homes!

    And the evening with Joanna Bogle sounds so delightful!!! I would love to hear her speak! How fortunate you were!

  3. Dear Anne,
    I have been dying to comment all day.
    These are wonderful and so rich looking.
    Well done!

    So would you recommend Joanna's new book? Did you buy it?
    Is it different to her other one?
    Can't wait to hear about it and how lovely to hear her in person. Did you take notes?
    God Bless

  4. I did buy a copy, it seems very similar to the original but I understand she has added more things to it, but from my brief look today, it looks very similar to the first..

    I only wished someone had videoed her talk, or recorded it!!! I didn't take notes and she talks so passionately without an 'um' or 'ah' ever, I don't think I would have kept up with her taking even a few notes! She needs to record her talks they are work listening to... Have you visited her blog Gae? It's called Auntie Joanna can do a google search on it.

  5. Lots of holy envy here Anne - incredible vestments - you are so talented.

    Glad you got to hear Joanna Bogle - I hear her once in England years ago.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated!