
Monday, August 17, 2009

The Secret of Mary Explained to Children

I have always raised my younger children on a beautiful little book called Leading Little Ones to Mary that teaches to the children in a very simple and childlike presentation, what True Devotion and consecration to Mary is.

What is consecration to Mary? Fr Mark wrote beautifully on this on the feast of St Maxmillian Kolbe. (A well known True Devotion devotee) I would say simply that if Jesus decided that the most perfect way to come to us was through His Blessed Mother, then the most perfect way back to Him is also through her, in perfect imitation of Him. (The image below says it all.)

There is not a great deal out there on True Devotion for children but last year I aquired a copy of a book called The Secret of Mary Explained to Children I happened to come across it today just when consecration for children was deeply on my mind. I have a very dear friend whose family is preparing to consecrate themselves to Our Lady and they are going through the 33 day prepartion. My friend's husband is explaining each day to the children in a way that they can understand. I would like this very much for much children.

I started thumbing through this book for children and was amazed at it's content! I wanted to share one of the fifteen chapters in this book, I have the images of the pages further below. If you click on the image and bring it to full size you should be able to print it up and read with ease.

My question is this, has anyone used this book and could possibly share their experiences? Were they have with it? Was it very effective with children? If you do have something to share, please leave a comment, it would be greatly appreciated.

(click open to read)

(click open to read)

(click open to read)

I hope to use this book with my children this year and God willing early next year (or just after Christmas) start the 33 day preparation for the family so as to consecrate ourselves as a family on the feast of Candlemas. I would like to create something visual each day for the children in this 33 day prepartion..something along the lines that Helen created for her children when she was using Leading Little Ones to Mary.

Editing to add:

Elizabeth from C.A. was very kind to share this encouraging comment:

"My sister-in-law has used both of the books you mentioned and LOVES, LOVES, LOVES them. She started out with "Leading Little Ones to Mary" and then has used "The Secrets of Mary..." with her two older ones.She has told me that her kids grew to adore Mary more than they had prior to the book (The Secrects of Mary..). She recommends it for all families. "A little treasure of our Blessed Mother" is how she described it. "


  1. Anne,
    Thank you for sharing this. I haven't used the book but after reading the section you highlighted it looked great.

    Would you be so kind as to post any results on the feedback you get? I have forwarded the title to our group to see if any one has used it.

    I'll be checking in for any updates.

    God bless,

  2. I have this book, I think. Not sure where it is, but I haven't used it. It is lovely, and would be great for the kids.

  3. I can't believe I don't have this book, Anne! It does look so lovely based on the images you uploaded here!

    I'm eager to here how you use it...and eager as well for any feedback any of your readers may offer!

  4. Anne,

    My sister-in-law has used both of the books you mentioned and LOVES, LOVES, LOVES them. She started out with "Leading Little Ones to Mary" and then has used "The Secrets of Mary..." with her two older ones.

    She has told me that her kids grew to adore Mary more than they had prior to the book (The Secrects of Mary..). She recommends it for all families. "A little treasure of our Blessed Mother" is how she described it.

    Hope this helps. And yes I intend to purchase and use the book for our tea time.

    God bless,

  5. We used this book as spiritual reading for the Junior legion of Mary 2 years ago. It's great! I'm so glad you posted about it.

  6. I am using "The Secret of Mary Explained to Children" and am enjoying it immensely and learning so much with my children. On pages 58-59, it asked to name Mary's 12 virtues. Humility is the one given. Can anyone tell me the other 11? Thank you. God bless!

  7. Gail I found this in True Devotion:

    In TD 108 we find a list of the “ten principal virtues” of Mary:

    “deep humility,
    lively faith,
    blind obedience,
    unceasing prayer,
    constant self-denial,
    surpassing purity,
    ardent love,
    heroic patience,
    angelic kindness, and
    heavenly wisdom.”

    I couldn't find a list for 12 though....


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated!