
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another soul for heaven...

Today, I was greatly shocked to hear the news that my friend Colleen from the States had lost her precious baby Bryce. He had died in his sleep... I am just so very heartbroken.

..I rejoiced earlier this year when Bryce was baptised on the feast of St Anne. And now I grieve for this boy's very short journey through life, into Eternal Life..while I am happy that Bryce is a saint in heaven, I feel greatly for Colleen, Greg and the boys..please remember this dear family in prayer.

A special memorial fund has been set up to help ease the financial difficulties that are a part of a loss such as this. As Elizabeth said, it is not as though we can drop in a cooked meal, help out in any small way...we can only pray and support them with a donation that can help remove another uneccessary worry on top everything else.

Oh, Mary Conceived Without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee! Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us! St Anne, pray for us!


  1. Dear sister in Christ, Annie,
    My wife Judy and I are deeply sorry for your friends sweet, precious loss. Little Bryce will certainly be in our prayers today and on our hearts. We are praying for your friends family and will help as we are allowed. Our prayers are also that you and little Bryce's mother and father be comforted as well. Again, we are truly sorry for your dear friend's (and ours) loss and that comfort may come through the grace of Christ.
    Kindest Regards,

  2. I join the sentiments in my husband John's comment, and wish to add my personal condolences. Your friend, her family, little Bryce, and you are in my prayers. May the Lord comfort all of you with His peace. May it be a comfort to you to know that you are in our prayers.

    God bless,

  3. Oh, I am so sorry. May Our dear Lord bring everyone comfort and may His beautiful Mother Mary keep us all close to her Son.

    God bless and love,


  4. Anne, please let folks know I am selling St Anne necklaces for Colleen and family.

  5. Been missing your blog posts...hope all is well.

  6. I hope all is well with you and your family. I have really missed all your inspirational ideas. Wishing to hear from you soon!

  7. Missing your posts. I hope all is okay there with you and family. Getting concerned .....God Bless Annie!

  8. Thank you girls for your comments, I've sort of had a bloggers break, the busyness of July has sort of caught up with me! Hopefully, I'll be back at again from now on.


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