
Monday, November 2, 2009

Remembering the Holy Souls in November

This morning on the feast of the Holy Souls, my children and some lovely friends worked on a poster for the home that is to stay up in the whole of November. It is our reminder...dare I say it, I have decided to stick this particular one in the 'powder room' where it will receive individual attention, everyday without fail ~ a simple fact of life.

It was a quick and easy craft. I found some images online to colour, I created the centerpiece using an image online and the children coloured in and pasted the whole lot together.

Here is a closeup of the middle section. You can see a stone angel reclining on a stone gravestone, in that image I have written the individual names of people we intend to pray for throughout the whole month of November. Below the names is the 'Eternal Rest' prayer.

Here is the sheet, you are welcome to click on the image to enlarge and print up for this craft.

A found this lovely little image of Our Lady assisting the Holy Souls for the children to colour in.

And this one for the bottom of the poster, it was all coloured in and stuck on.

Lastly I used this free image of the Crucifixion colouring image for the top of the poster. HT:
Here is a sneak peak of another November craft I'm working on. It was inspired by Jen's beautiful altar craft (Wildflowers and Marbles.) I was captivated with the idea of combining All Saints ~ All Souls in presenting the three churchs ~ The Church Triumphant ~ The Church Suffering ~ The Church Militant.

I remember my mother teaching me about these three churchs in one of the Baltimore catechisms and seeing the diagram that showed me how they all interacted with each other through God's grace...this is what I hope to convey to my children as a lovely, big, visual reminder. So I'll be back tomorrow with the completed craft.


  1. wow, that is a beautiful idea Anne. I have wanted to do something visual for our two as a way of remembering about the Holy SOuls, especially those known to us - and couldn't think of a way without the delay and probs caused by asking for photos to scan from my mother, but that idea is very doable with no input from anyone else. Thanks.

  2. This is such a wonderful remindere for this month and for us to remember all of the Souls of our own families and for those who do not have any families to pray for them! I have reminder poster half made now thanks to your post! I just love this idea so much! Bless You

  3. The link to Jen's site doesn't work. I'd really like to see it.


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