
Monday, November 30, 2009

St Andrew's Feast Day ~ Christmas Novena

If you do NOTHING else this advent with your children but recite this prayer, you will be doing something wonderful, here is why.

You may want to remember three other dear ladies in the Catholic blogging world as well when offering your intentions with this novena, they are three amazing women of faith who have lost children in the past 6 months.


  1. Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm going to try and do this.
    I checked out the link to your full post and have a question about the sacrifice beads you made. What gauge wire did you use? I have 26 in my stash but am concerned it will be too delicate...But still hoping you say 26! lol

  2. Well, I don't recommend wire after last year's experience...not for that style of beading (sacrifice beads) I had to re-string mine using very strong thread, or maybe fine fishing wire would also work? But wire wasn't successful...

  3. Good to know...Thanks! The wire was very pretty though:)

  4. Your blog is beautiful-- I love the imagery of being under Our Lady's starry mantle! I literally got shivers when I saw your crib scene! Lovely isn't the word!
    We are reciting the Christmas novena for the first time this year-- and what a thoughtful idea to add the grieving mothers. I certainly will.

  5. Dear Anne, just a quick note to let you know how much I've been enjoying catching up on your blog after being away for a time. There are so many blessings here granted to the reader, so I'm praying not only for these special ladies of faith, but also for you and your lovely family. God bless! :)

  6. Thanks for posting this Christmas novena. What a beautiful prayer! And I think the sacrifice beads are a wonderful idea to keep track. I don't have any of the materials, so I will have to figure out another way of keeping track for now ... Your beading is so lovely, though, especially with the vintage-style.

    Wishing you a blessed start to your Advent journey!

  7. Oh Anne, thank you so much you dear, wonderful lady. The prayers are what are sustaining us through these difficult days.

    I'll never forget your loving acts of prayer and kindness.

  8. I also love the St. Andrew's day Novena, and have said it for years. Almost all of my petitions have been answered, by God's grace. However, most importantly I have found it a great preparation for Christmas, especially when going to Midnight Mass!

  9. Hello there. My name is Anita, a praciticing Catholic who has spent the last semester tutoring two of my friends' teenage daughters, who are homeschooled in Art, English, History and Latin. It has been an incredible experience for me. It has led me to want to continue helping other Homeschooling Mother's in any way I can. Two of my homeschooling friends have suggested I use my artistic and creative skills to create some Art appreciation resources - starting with Fine Art itself. I am a writer and artist (though not recognised yet) and would love to put what I can at your service and the service of God. I would be grateful, if anyone who is interested in such resources, if you would contact me with ideas of what you want, or need. Thank you so much. God bless you and your families. anita


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