
Friday, December 4, 2009

My latest beading creations

Pop on over to my Tota Pulchra website for my December creations. I am posting now for Christmas.


  1. Anne, they are incomparably exquisite! I have a love of old things, and I adore the antique look of your rosaries and chaplets. I don't think I've ever seen any as beautiful.

    Wonderful, wonderful work!

  2. Wow. These are so beautiful. Praising God for your wonderful talents!

  3. Wow, this is breathtaking! What an art you are blessed with :-)

  4. What beautiful rosaries, and what a lovely, captivating blog you have! I'm so glad to have happened to arrive here looking for pictures for O Antiphons. God bless and keep you, and Our Lady wrap you tightly in her arms, beneath her starry mantle and ever close to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. ~ PAX CHRISTI


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated!