
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Miracle of Pope John XXIII

In recent weeks many of our dear friends and our family have been praying for a miracle of healing for a beautiful friend, a Catholic mother of six, Melinda who has multiple cancers throughout her body. Melinda has asked for a novena to Pope John Paul II for a miraculous cure and we are praying it every day with great faith.

Just as our family was starting our second novena, I read the latest posting from the blog of the Transalpine Redemptorists in Papa Stronsay (North western island near Scotland) it has been a blog that has blessed me greatly in last fews months since discovering it. (For those who have followed my St Anne postings and remember my last series of posts on St Anne that had come from a magazine called Catholic ~ it was a delight to discover that it is this order that publishes it!)

The post, To "Lost Sheep" contradicting Sedevacantism shares the story of a stupendous miracle that took place in the mid sixties involving a nun who was in dire straits and close to death with a very serious health condition. Pope John XXIII granted her the miracle of complete restored heath that was eventually instrumental in the beatification of this Blessed.

The story is INSPIRING reading, click over and discover this wonderful blog, if you haven't visited before and enjoy this beautiful story. It certainly has lifted my own faith and belief that God through the intercession of his saints (or saints-to-be!) can heal, even when things look completely hopeless.

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