
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Praying for a beautiful friend

I would love to invite anyone who would like to join with me, offering two novenas for a beautiful friend Melinda, a Catholic mother of six young children living in Australia, who has advanced renal cancer and secondaries.


In Australia is the 14th of April and we are starting the first of the two novenas today. The second novena which follows directly on from the the first, will finish on the 1st of May, Divine Mercy Sunday and the beatification day of Pope John Paul II.

We pray with great hope!

Firstly, inspired by this wonderful miracle that was used for the beatification of Pope John XXIII.

Secondly, because I read in the latest Fidelity magazine (an Australian publication) and also in the worldwide, Love One Another magazine, of a incredible miracle that took place through the intercession of Juan Diego, The miracle was around the time of Juan Diego’s beatification and was the miracle used for his canonization.

A man, Jose Silva, plunged over 30 feet or 10 metres to the ground, landing directly on his head on concrete, he struck the concrete with an estimated force of two tons. His mother who witnessed this cried out to Juan Diego to interceed for her son. She continued to pray fervently over the next 10 days. This happened a couple of days before the beatification of Juan, the fact that he even survived the fall was a miracle, testified by the doctors. Then he turned a complete corner in healing on the beatification day of Juan Diego ~ he walked out of hospital 10 days after the accident and all traces of damage and injury to his head and brain had vanished, all verified by the doctors.

So we pray for Melinda for complete healing, especially around this joyful time of Pope John Paul II’s beatification.

Please pass this novena on to as many people you can think of, who would like to join and many thanks in advance!


We believe in God’s everlasting love for all and through faith and great confidence in that love, our petitions will be granted. Therefore in the desire to promote God’s greater honour and glory we pray through the intercession of Pope John Paul II for the healing of Melinda.

O Blessed Trinity, we thank Thee for having graced the Church with Pope John Paul II, and for allowing the tenderness of your fatherly care, the glory of the Cross of Christ and the splendor of the Holy Spirit to shine through him. Trusting fully in your infinite mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary he has given us a living image of Jesus the good shepherd and has shown us that holiness is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life and is the way of achieving eternal communion with you. Grant us by his intercession and according to your will, the graces we implore, the healing of Melinda, hoping that he will soon be numbered among your saints. Amen

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father.

UPDATE: I am very sad to add here that Melinda passed away, day eight of the first novena, on the morning of Holy Thursday, the beginning of the Triduum. We continue to offer the novenas for Melinda, for her soul and for her family, her six children who are now without their earthly mother. Many thanks to all those continuing to join in prayer for Melinda.


  1. Praying here. I will print out the novena.


  2. Many grateful thanks for those prayers!

  3. Hi Annie, I will also be joining you in prayer for your dear friend Melinda!

  4. Just started a novena to St. Anne yesterday and i added your friend to it. God bless. Leyla

  5. Just started a Novena to St. Anne yesterday and added your friend in. God bless and everyone have a blessed Holy Week---a week filled with holy possibilities. Leyla

  6. I'm still praying the novena for Melinda. May God bless her and her family and you for being such a dear friend to her. Have a Blessed Easter Anne!

  7. UPDATE: I am very sad to add here that Melinda passed away, day eight of the first novena, on the morning of Holy Thursday, the beginning of the Triduum. We continue to offer the novenas for Melinda, for her soul and for her family, her six children who are now without their earthly mother. Many thanks to all those continuing to join in prayer for Melinda.

  8. HI Anne

    Sorry to hear about your dear mate. Rest in the light of God for her but hard on her kids. I hope there is a lot of family help for them


  9. Oh Anne, I've been praying for Melinda and hadn't checked back until today. Her poor children... I will continue to pray for Melinda and her children. I'll keep you in my prayers as well as you endure this loss. God Bless.

  10. Anne, how is Melinda's family coping after the death of their mother? I'm still praying for them and think of them often.

  11. Thank you so very much for those continue prayers Noreen, as they are in much need of them. I believe it's a hard and painful transition for them in so many ways.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated!