
Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Sweet Chains" that Shine in the Sun

I mentioned earlier this week, about my new beading endeavour here. Since then I've continued to experiment and working on developing the skill of wire wrapping.

It has been an enjoyable week to say the least, a real 'gaudete' week in lent for sure. ~ The joy of beading for God's glory. ~ Ruth from Loreto Rosaries and I were only talking about this recently.

Above is a chain rosary I have named, 'Tilma full of Roses' ~ the most beautiful Castilian Roses ever...when I look at these gemstones together, I imagine them lying in folds of Juan Diego's tilma, freshly arranged by the hands of the Blessed Mother...

The crucifix is a Spanish 'Caravaca' cross that has a special story connected to has Our Lord on the cross on one side, and as you can see here, Our Lady on the other.. The rosary centre is Our Lady of Guadalupe, standing in front of a Truine filigree aura, representing the Blessed Trinity.

This rosary is big and monastic in appearance..maybe it is too big and I need to use smaller links, but as you finger through the Aves it feels lovely, but it certainly is big...a lovely, large lap rosary.

The beads are an Australian gemstone ~ Mookaite. It's warm, it's vivid. The Pater beads are carved roses.

I'm discovering that I love the earthy, masculine gemstones the best, they have this ancient feel to them, like our Faith. Timeless ~yet ever new.

This is a tenner dedicated to Sancta Joseph the universal patron of the Church...he features on the left hand side of the Crucifix and the medal of course The crucifix is the Holy Family with the Holy Spirit. There is a little double sided medal after the Pater bead, Our Lord's profile one side, Our Lady's profile on the other..

Sancta Joseph, ora pro nobis!

This is an Assumption medal..angels surround Our Lady assuming into heaven..cherubs surround the crucifix as well.

The brown Agate Aves represent earth..the glints of aqua crystals either side of the Aves and the Pater bead, represent Our Lady rising to Heaven..the Pater bead is a very cloudy gemstone, just like the sky...

This tenner is called "Bread of Heaven" ~ I made it for my mum 3 years ago when I first started beading. What is new, is that I have taken it off it's wire and converted it to chains. I've also added near the Pater bead, an exquisite little medal called, "Jesus, are you there?"...with a little child knocking at the door of the tabernacle.

“Blessed Rosary of Mary, sweet chain linking us to God” ....

~ Pope John Paul II in his apostolic letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae.


  1. Oh Anne, is the roses in the tilma rosary for sale? I feel like I must have that rosary! I gave my precious St Therese rosary to my mum after we visted the relics and touched it to the casket, and to be honest I miss it! I would love a new truly beautiful rosary and we adore Our Lady of Guadalupe. Maybe I could persuade my dh to buy it for me!

  2. Hi Anne, those rosaries are gorgeous! You have a lovely talent in rosary making. God bless!

  3. Those are stunning, Anne. I love the St. Joseph tenner. We have been praying a perpetual novena to St. Joseph for many reasons, and he has been so good to us...

  4. Thank you Nadja, he has been so very good to us as well ~ a heavenly patron who is greatly needed in the times we live in.

  5. Anne I think that rosary is perfect ! I like beading too but the native american type of beading and have thought how could I turn it into something to honour saints , our Lady etc.
    I am trying to get together a post to write about the OLG chaplet Anne and post a photo of the one you made me .
    I always feel called to pray to ST.Juan Bernardinio when our retired priest is ill and also for other elderly people .I think he is very much a saint of comfort and healing .
    I'm praying on being able to return to MX again to give back and help the people there .
    I just read the book on Mother Antonia , maybe I told you about her ? there is a website about her but truly the book lets you see who she really is ☺
    God Bless , Roxie
    ps. I've been dreaming of the consecration to Mary come August and can hardly wait


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