
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day Two of the Petitioning Novena to St Anne


O glorious St. Anne, you are filled with compassion for those who invoke you and with love for those who suffer! Heavily burdened with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take the present intention which I recommend to you in your special care.

Please recommend it to your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and place it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Continue to intercede for me until my request is granted. But, above all, obtain for me the grace one day to see my God face to face, and with you and Mary and all the saints to praise and bless Him for all eternity. Amen.

Our Father, . . . Hail Mary . . .

O Jesus, Holy Mary, St. Anne, help me now and at the hour of my death.
Good St. Anne, intercede for me.


From the depths of my heart, good St. Anne, I offer you my homage this day and ask you to shelter me under the mantle of your motherly care. You know, good mother, how much I love you, how gladly I serve you, how happy I am to praise you, how eager I am to call on you in time of distress.

Good St. Anne, be pleased to extend your helping hand in all my wants. Listen to my prayers, for I place my trust in your gracious bounty. Make all my thoughts and desires worthy and righteous.

Jesus, I thank You for all the graces which in Your infinite goodness You have lavished upon St. Anne; for having chosen her, among all women, to be Your grandmother on earth and exalted her in heaven with such great and miraculous powers. In the name of her merits, I humbly recommend myself to Your infinite mercy.

I would have liked to have shared something about St Anne today but most of our house has very quickly succumbed to a fever/flu. Please remember us in your prayers today that this will be shortlived. Many thanks.

A dear friend is visiting this miraculous shrine in the States where the icon above exudes myrrh/oil. Here is my blog posting about it on Day One of the Novena. She has generously stated she is happy to take any personal prayer intentions and place them at the feet of St Anne's icon on the feast day of St Anne. If you would like to have any prayers intentions taken to the shrine, please email me them and I will gladly pass them on.

If you haven't yet entered the draw to win one of five gemstone, heirloom quality St Anne chaplets (which you can view in detail here) please email me or leave a comment in the comment box (with your blog link or email for contact.)


  1. Thanks Anne for this Novena it's so lovely. We are in the closing stages of this virus. Poor Rosie is out for the count. Antonio and Dad are the only ones that it hasn't hit...yet. It has been a nasty one, most of us are up but still not good.
    God Bless

  2. Offering prayers for your health!

  3. Dear Anne,
    Praying for your recovery.
    God Bless

  4. Praying for your family, Anne, that you may all have a speedy recovery.
    Leah (RamFam)


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