
Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Month of the Precious Blood

Picture HT: Madonna of the Precious Blood

We have just entered the month of the Precious Blood again. Two years ago I blogged extensively throughout July on the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus.

My main source for my material was a beautiful prayer manual from the Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood in NY which I have had for many years now and I have never seen prayers to the Precious Blood to the likes of these! For anyone wishing to obtain a copy they can contact the sisters in NY.

Here is the link to my Precious Blood archives, there are about 27 posts.

Here is a visual reminder of our usual yearly Precious Blood craft and activity in the home with the children. The focus is 'reparation' for the offences committed against the Precious Blood of Jesus.

What I love about our set up is for the children to see that the Precious Blood flows down from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, just as we move from the month of the Sacred Heart (June) into the month of the Precious Blood (July).

Each day that we recite the reparation prayer, one child picks up one of the Precious Blood cut-outs and places back into the chalice underneath Our Lord. That action reminds me of the scene in Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion where you see Our Lady and Mary Magdalene carefully wipe up the Blood of Christ after the scourging.

Here is my posting from the last year in how to set up this activity. The prayer that we recite daily comes from the Precious Blood manual I mentioned above which I will finish with:

Of the Precious
Blood for Souls

O my God, I beg of Thee in
union with the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, through the merits of the
Precious Blood offered Thee in every
Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world,
to grant that this day one mortal sin may be
averted, one soul in doubt may be converted to
the truth, one soul about to die in sin may receive
the grace of repentance and a happy death, and
the deliverance of that soul in purgatory which is
nearest Heaven. I wish by this offering to console
the Heart Of Jesus in agony for the souls lost
through the Teaching of error against the
true Church of Christ Jesus,
Our Lord. Amen


  1. This is such a beautiful post, Anne. I made the craft this morning and it turned out great. Thanks so much for all your wonderful ideas and resources. Have a blessed feast day today.

  2. Anne,
    We set up ours today and will be praying this beautiful prayer everyday with you and your family (even if it is a day later)!

  3. Thanks Anne for starting my family on this devotion, 2 yrs ago. We are very grateful to you for sharing your knowledge with us.

  4. Once again, this is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your creativity.

  5. Whay a beautiful picture of Our Lady, Anne.
    Great craft..very effective for the children to meditate on The Precious Blood of Our Lord.

  6. Dear Anne,
    This is such an incredible resource. Thank you for sharing.
    We will be implememting some of the images and ideas onto our bookcase display

  7. What a beautiful post and way to honor this month of the Precious Blood! I like the prayer and craft so much. Thank you for sharing!

  8. that is a really lovely post :). Its great to find out more about the devotions to both the sacred heart and the precious blood. In your altar, and this is a bit off the point, but there is a beautiful statue of Our Lady. We had one of those in school and I always wanted one. Is there a certain Title given to this statue? (Our Lady statue, all in cream) any help would be great.
    God bless you and your family,

  9. Olivia, the statue of Mary is Our Lady of Fatima, the one we have was made by a friend of ours, a very old Italian man who has been making beautiful statues for Church all his life.

  10. He has a great talent :)
    Thanks for the information and for keeping up a really interesting and educational blog,
    God bless


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