
Monday, July 6, 2009

St Maria Goretti, Purity and the Precious Blood of Jesus

"Who is this who comes into heaven? This beautiful one in garments all red, with clothing stained like one who has tread the winepress."
~63rd Chapter of Isaiah. Image HT: St Maria Goretti Church

Two years ago, I blogged about St Maria Goretti, sharing something special about her birthday, connected to her greatest virtue and how her death is tied into the old feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus, this wonderful saint who shed her own blood for love of Jesus.


  1. How wonderful that you share her birthday! Have you seen the movie of her life? So beautiful.


  2. No I haven't as yet, I'd love to soon!

  3. wow Anne you have been very busy blogging ! I am loving the pictures ! I don't know much about this saint . I read a bit when Jasmine was expecting Evan and I think it is Jasmine somehow must have a special connection with her . Maybe midwifery ? A mum can always hope ;-)
    I did not know it is your b-day !
    ok I'm sure you will have some great pics to post afterwards !
    Thanks Anne

  4. Dear Anne,
    Happy birthday. Did you know it is also our Autumn's birthday too> and she loved your post from a few years ago.
    Hope all went well
    God Bless


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