
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Anna's Jesse Tree

My dear friend Anna from Fountain Resources has shared with me her beautiful Jesse Tree that she created. You will surely agree with me when I say that her phenomenal talent and creativity is evident throughout!

Anna has based this craft on Geraldine McCaughrean's book The Jesse Tree.

The Jesse Tree starts off with brown leaves that have a reflection on each leaf (and activities to do, such as sacrifices, virtues, etc.) ....

Each day a brown leaf is replaced by the symbol of the day which is on a green leave and then Anna places a Star of Bethlehem flower (made from balsa wood and string) next to each leaf.

I hope this photos have blessed and inspired you as much as they have me!


  1. That is just incredibly beautiful! What patience and talent she has (much like you!)

  2. It just came to me that this would be a wonderful thing to sell as a pattern-book...

  3. They're lovely. I told my daughter that we are going to make felt ornaments next year for our Jesse tree- starting in July! Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. This is gorgeous, Anne!
    Thank you so much for sharing this! I was thinking of making an extra-fancy one for next Advent, but of course I plan on doing it slowly over the summer for a non-stressful Advent.

    {{{{Hugs}}} to you!
    Merry Christmas, my dear friend!

  5. This is so beautiful! I was wondering how the ornaments attach to the tree? I would love to try this.


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