
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our Christmas Eve...

Finally our Christmas Eve. I sort of fell off the blogging band wagon when we had a very sick weekend on the 12th-13th December, severe gastric that zapped all our strength and energy for the weeks to come and despite that, we had a very busy Christmas. I'm still recovering, I think but I did want to share our photos from Christmas Eve.

Our Eve started with some of the children processing the Child Jesus to our lounge room and placing Him wrapped in a beautiful, little patchwork quilt (makes me think of the quilt from 'The Legend of the Pointsettia').

Our lounge was ready, the empty crib, the Advent wreath all lit up and the electric candles that we did not get to use on St Lucy's feastday due to illness, lined on both sides of the wreath.

My littlest was completely captivated with the baby Jesus, this is her first Christmas to really interact with, being almost 2.

Had to make sure the baby Jesus was snuggled and warm...

Our Christmas stable was all lit and full with the scene of Christmas...

Our tree twinkled with the 'Christ Child' gifts for everyone, under the tree.

My wordless Wednesday moment.....

We then sung christmas carols for the whole evening, drinking homemade eggnog, it was a beautiful, blessed night.

One last kiss for the Child Jesus for the night...

So a little late with these photos of course but appropriate for a 6th of January posting...a blessed Epiphany to all!


  1. Beautiful! I hope that you have a happy feast of the Epiphany and a blessed 2010.

  2. Oh, just glorious. I know that you are making wonderful memories for your children. Happy Epiphany to you!

  3. We all missed you and so happy to hear you are on the mend. How beautiful and serene your photos look! Christmas seemed so short this year or am I the only one who feels that way? God Bless Annie!

  4. Dear Anne,
    So sorry to hear you are not well again.
    Praying you recover.
    I think these are such precious memories. Praying you have a great year.
    God Bless


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