
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

St Anne Chaplet and St Anne Medals

This is my fourth re-visit on St Anne's chaplet, mainly because I believe with whole heart in the efficacy of it as a beautiful way to interceed to St Anne. Also because of it's simplicity, I don't need to walk around with a prayer sheet to recite it.

It is simple, consisting of 3 Our Father's, and in between each Our Father, there are 5 Hail Mary's. Between each Hail Mary, this simple petition, "Jesus, Mary and St Anne, grant the favour I ask."

Here are my three other Tuesday with St Anne postings on St Anne's Chaplet, I recommend them to you if you have not read them already!

Chaplet of St Anne

St Anne's Chaplet, the perfect chaplet for mothers

St Anne's Chaplet

For those who would like to make their own St Anne chaplet, I highly recommend a visit to Alice's beautiful site, Gardens of Grace. There she has been generous with her talent in designing lovely, well illustrated tutorials, including one specifically for St Anne's Chaplet.

Below are some of the beautiful medals of St Anne. These are all vintage reproduction medals handcast from antique orignals from around the world. They cast in either solid bronze or sterling silver. They would make great medals for a St Anne chaplet or even to wear around the neck on a chain.

These five medals are available to anyone via a company that is open to the public, Rosary Workshop

SAINT ANNE AND THE GUARDIAN ANGEL: Guardian Angel 'My Guardian Angel be my guide' backs this beautiful medal of St Anne. St Anne is shown with her daughter Mary 'Good St Anne, pray for us'. Truly a beautiful medal for devotion.

This medal is European from the early 20th century. 1.25 inch.

SAINT ANNE AND THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL: One of the early Miraculous Medals from the mid 19c, with an rare reverse medal of Ste Anne, mother of Mary. A lovely old rare medal with body.

This is a French medal. 1.5inch.

STE ANNE AND MARY WITH JESUS: This is a precious medal that is filled with symbols of Mary, Jesus and Ste Anne. Open work adds to the design of this medal.

This is a European medal from the 1880's. 1.5inch

SAINT ANNE TEACHING HER DAUGHTER MARY: A rare and beautiful filigree medal showing St Anne, mother of St Mary and grandmother of Jesus. Traditional image with Mary standing by her side as her mother teaches her.

European medal, age unknown. 1 inch. (This is my favourite St Anne medal.)

A very ornate, filigreed medal of Ste Anne and her daughter, Mary. Reverse, 2 hearts. (Looks to be the back of a miraculous medal)

This is a 19th century French medal. 1.5 inch.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Anne - only last night I was thinking to myself how much I would like to have time to make myself a chaplet before Anna arrives. I was going to email you to ask you to remind me how to make one and how to pray the chaplet. This is the nudge I need! Tomorrow - I am going to read your posts in detail and try to figure out where to get beads and medals from. I have never made even jewellery before but Abby can help me. Any other Saint Anne sacramental you recommend for labor and deliver? I have saved some of your oil for labor. I am also looking for a statue of Saint Anne for the little girl - all my kids have one for their patrons when they are born.

    Thank you for the nudge!


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