Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nothing like sisterly love...

I am seeing something beautiful everyday.

The love between sisters - between these two daughters.

Tonight my oldest daughter was holding my littlest one as if she were mum.
And my precious baby looked like she been in those arms forever. Such treasured moments....


Sweetness and Light said...

Oh that picture is SO precious! What a joy and a treasure they will have in each other for their whole lives. Isn't is awesome when we get to witness this kind of love between siblings, it's one of a mother's greatest joys! Thnks for sharing their sweetness :)

Jacqlyn said...

She is such a beautiful baby Anne, and yes, she looks totally content in the arms of her equally beautiful sister.
You really are blessed!

Alice Gunther said...


Your pictures remind me of this famous image:

The "Madonna of the Streets" was modeled by a pair of young siblings.

Ruth said...

This is beautiful, Anne. You are so blessed!

Joannof10 said...

These are just beautiful pictures!

Therese said...

oh Annie,

She has grown up so fast. What a precious picture you have snapped there.