Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Happy Day...a world away...

It had come around again - our medieval day - the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere - that sounds impressive, doesn't it? (~smile~)


Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

What... no pictures of the fair Lady Anne? It looks like such a fun family outing. Wish we could join you someday!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

What fun!! I also would love to have seen a photo of you with the family, dressed in all your medieval regalia!

Anne (aussieannie) said...

I'm there in two shots, it's a bit like a Where's Wally only you are looking for Medieval Annie!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

With the blacksmith?

Anne (aussieannie) said...

No Jenny, I'm in the two Schola Cantorum photos, but very much in the distance..

One day I'd love to dress up in some lovely ladies medieval dress but we where our choir robes all day at the festival.

Unknown said...

Oh, what fun!