I've just picked up Helen's Mary Vitamin this evening, in honour of St Anne and so I've posted it here to share:
Mary Vitamin for July 25th
Topic: St. Anne and St. Joachim’s Feast Day
July 26
St. John Eudes
“The womb of St. Anne was an ark of benediction, because it carried the star that brought forth the Sun of Justice, Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Our Lord, Who delivered us from the eternal curse and showered upon us every blessing.”
St. John Eudes, The Wondrous Childhood, (Preserving Christian Publications), 77.
“It was an ark of sanctification, enclosing within itself her who is an abyss of grace and a prodigy of sanctity. It was an ark wherein lay hidden the fairest treasure of heaven and earth. […] O how near to this treasure was the heart of God! Upon this most amiable treasure rested with content the eyes of Him Who was one day to declare :”Where thy heart is, there is thy treasure also.”
St. John Eudes, The Wondrous Childhood, (Preserving Christian Publications), 77-78.
When a great day approaches, a wedding, a graduation, the start of a new career, one keeps his eyes focused on this event. What could be a greater event than the Word was made flesh? Knowing that God’s love burns like a furnace, weren’t His eyes trained upon St. Anne and the prodigy of grace, the Blessed Virgin Mary awaiting the day He would take on human flesh? This will be my holy thought for today: I will remember the grandmother of the Lord.
Marian Vow:
According to Venerable Mary of Agreda, St. Anne said upon the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
“But how shall I behave properly towards her whom you’ve given me as my daughter, I who am not worthy to serve her?”
St. Anne admirably expresses the concern of those who have taken the Marian vow of total consecration to the Immaculate.
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.
Topic: St. Anne and St. Joachim’s Feast Day
July 26
St. John Eudes
“The womb of St. Anne was an ark of benediction, because it carried the star that brought forth the Sun of Justice, Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Our Lord, Who delivered us from the eternal curse and showered upon us every blessing.”
St. John Eudes, The Wondrous Childhood, (Preserving Christian Publications), 77.
“It was an ark of sanctification, enclosing within itself her who is an abyss of grace and a prodigy of sanctity. It was an ark wherein lay hidden the fairest treasure of heaven and earth. […] O how near to this treasure was the heart of God! Upon this most amiable treasure rested with content the eyes of Him Who was one day to declare :”Where thy heart is, there is thy treasure also.”
St. John Eudes, The Wondrous Childhood, (Preserving Christian Publications), 77-78.
When a great day approaches, a wedding, a graduation, the start of a new career, one keeps his eyes focused on this event. What could be a greater event than the Word was made flesh? Knowing that God’s love burns like a furnace, weren’t His eyes trained upon St. Anne and the prodigy of grace, the Blessed Virgin Mary awaiting the day He would take on human flesh? This will be my holy thought for today: I will remember the grandmother of the Lord.
Marian Vow:
According to Venerable Mary of Agreda, St. Anne said upon the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
“But how shall I behave properly towards her whom you’ve given me as my daughter, I who am not worthy to serve her?”
St. Anne admirably expresses the concern of those who have taken the Marian vow of total consecration to the Immaculate.
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.
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