I won't explain how I've done this but instead, follow the link above to see all Jessica's close up photos of the images for each day, including the scripture readings, colouring pages etc. Thank you so much Jessica for generously sharing for the benefit of others!
The links to each week's images and references are in the right hand side bar on the Jesus Tree link above.
I should add that mine is a little different (tree shape), I haven't used the kit but visited my local discount fabric shop and was fortunate to find some great off cuts. My purple banner, is quite big 94cm x 145cm (or 37 inch x 57 inch) Why so big? Because that was the size of the off cut I found! Some lovely, thick suede in purple.
The brown material for the tree has this lovely bark-like pattern on it, costing me $1.50. I bought an assortment of coloured felts. Also, I glued braid all around the outline of the tree...yes, that would be about 16metres, a BIG job. I bought press studs, to sew onto the panel and the back of the felt images in order to attach them firmly.
As you can see from the image below, I'm still sewing on those press studs, with some of the bottom images still only pinned into place.
This is an impressive craft and activity.
It's delightfully visual, the colours vivid against the sombre, lenten colours in the backdrop.
When lent begins this tree will be bare and each day an image will be added, the symbol discussed, the corresponding Bible story read aloud and picture, coloured in.
The readings can be taken from Fr Lovasik's New Catholic Picture Bible.
Also while shopping at our fabric store, I found a few big pieces of this material above - furniture fabric off-cuts, with one side in purple (for lent), turn over to the other side and it is yellow (for easter) So we will be decorating our altar for lent with this fabric, using the purple side. When easter finally comes, I'll reverse it for the joyous time of the resurrection!
Wow!! You have done an amazing job!!! It turned out absolutely beautiful. I just love the fabrics that you used, and the braid around the tree! You are so creative!
I hope you and your family have a very blessed lent and that you enjoy the Jesus Tree as much as we do! God bless!
I love this! Can't do it this year, but will definitely try to remember for next year. A great craft to put together in Jan/Feb when it's not great weather on this side of the world!
Oh Anne - this is so beautiful. Please can you come visit me - you are totally amazing. It has been hard for me to accept that I will not get mine done this year - just no energy and too many doctors appts.(plus - have to finish my taxes before I do anything else!) But we will be doing the readings and I will be working on it slowly in preparation for next year.
This is really nice. I've done the Jesse Tree but never thought of doing a Lent Tree. I love the name of your blog!
Totally, totally blown away. I'll have to add you to Faith Filled Days Lent section:0
I am very inspired, I was thinking the other day after linking FFD to Jessica's Jesus tree whether I could make one myself (I emailed Jessica's supplier and postage made it out of the question)
Don't suppose you have copies of your drawings you would be willing to share? Pretty please!
Love your tablecloth! Hoping I can find some bargains.
Hi Aussie Bush Kids! I drew all these images free hand (except the horse) I went over to Jessica's images and printed them up as a guide. But you could do what I did with the horse, I cut and pasted the image in paintshop and blew it up to the size I wanted and traced it. Jessica, has a good picture of each image, I'd use them as your templates! I drew the big tree free hand as well...
Your tree turned out so lovely! I love the braid around the tree; it really accents the piece.
We have done the tree for several years now. I hope that you enjoy it as much as we do.
Came back to see how you had gone about tracing your pictures and discovered I was signed in as my children (Aussie Bush Kids) and not me, no wonder you didn't recognise me.
Thanks for the info I'll go have a good look at Jessica's images.
Excellent article! Your Jesus tree has now officially become a family heirloom with fabrics and items which can withstand the test of time. Be sure to write your name and date on the back to pass down to future generations. :-) VERY well done! God Bless!
I was wondering, if you could put in a good word for me with our Blessed Mother and her Mother Anne?
By the way, today hubby and I had a consult with a new surgeon who is an endo expert. He agreed to do my second surgery. When I gave him my first surgery report, he shook his head and said the same thing that my napro doctor did: that the first surgeon didn't do a great job and all he did was drain the cysts! He reassured me that he would remove all the remaining cysts, endo, and adhesians.
He also said that even though the first surgeon couldn't do the surgery through my belly, he thought he can. He said he never had to do an open surgery on an endo patient. He told me I would only need two weeks out of work this time.
This guy seems to know and understand how to deal with endo. He wants to give hubby and I the best chance of being able to conceive. They will be calling within the next few days to give me a surgery date.
Finally! I'm going to be rid of this pain AND I might even be able to conceive a child eventually too!
I feel very hopeful!
May I please ask for prayers too? I am a little nervous (but hopeful) about my second upcoming surgery.
P.S. After surgery, I am determined to follow a special endometriosis type diet!
You and your beautiful family are in my thoughts and prayers.
May God Bless you.
Maria :)
My great pleasure to pray for this intention Maria, the operation sounds promising!
Very nice. I did the ornaments for a Jesse Tree last year and was toying with the idea of something to prepare for Easter.
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