My very dear friends in Australia, Anna and her family have set up their own Catholic business on esty in the past few months called Stitchin' Traditions to sell some of their beautiful handicraft, much that is religious. I have been the very fortunate recipient of some of their lovely work as gifts over the past few years.
My children have found much enjoyment in Anna's Rosary Flowers and matching pouch, all in 100% wool felt.
They have also loved Anna's fantastic Priestly Pencils!
Most of all, they have loved Anna's Mother Teresa's play set, complete with Mother Teresa holding poor mother's baby, the Bishop and the Poor Indian Mother.
Then when Anna opened her etsy store I was very keen to buy a couple of her handsomely designed saint dolls. The dolls are all hand-sewn and each measure approx. 10 1/2cm (6 inches) and are made out of 100% wool felt, fleece, cotton fabrics, 100% wool yarn and other various objects e.g. beads, buttons, etc…the quality, the doll's details and the workmanship is second to none! Here are photos of some of her creations:
St Mary MacKillop ~ Australia's First Saint!
St Francisco Marto, one of the Fatima Children
St Jacinta Marto, one of the Fatima Children
St Bernadette of Lourdes
A Dominican Nun
St Rose of Lima
The Stitchin' Traditions Giveaway!
Anna has arranged with me, as part of promoting her lovely Catholic business a giveaway consisting of three prizes to be won and you can have up to ten entries in the draw.
The prizes are:
3rd Prize: 100% wool felt rosary pouch
To Enter...
All you have to do is leave a comment below and tell us what item you would most likely buy from our shop or what you would like to see us offer.
For additional entries you may also…
- Favourite Stitchin’ Traditions Esty shop ~ 1 entry
- Purchase an item from Stitchin’ Traditions ~ 10 entries
- Share this giveaway on Facebook and/or your blog ~ 1 entry each
- Post the Stitchin’ Traditions button on your blog sidebar ~ 2 entries
(To share the Stitchin' Traditions butoon on your blog, just cut and paste the header image at the top and link to Anna's etsy shop which is in the first paragraph.)
Please make sure to leave a separate comment for each additional entry.
Giveaway is open internationally.
The giveaway will end on Our Lady's Birthday, the 8th of September 2012 and the winners will be drawn at random.
Thank you!
Stitchin’ Traditions ~ Annamaria, Emma and Co.

What lovely handiwork. Any of the girl saints would interest me for one of my granddaughters. Good luck to all.
Added shop to my Etsy favorites! Thank you!!
these dolls are beautiful and I know my kids would play with them. I would most likely give my girls their namesakes.
Your items are beautiful !!! As for me... because I am a Secular Franciscan (a Third Order Franciscan) a doll of St. Francis of Assisi would be extraordinary !!!
Blessings to you and your family.
~ Joe Borowski, OFS
I really like the saint dolls. I've bookmarked the page for upcoming gift givings.
I love the play-with-me dolls--my daughters would love these! Beautiful work.
The priest pencils in the liturgical colours are great because you could use them on the home altar for the child to know which season the church is in. They look fantastic.
My daughter would love a Therese doll, her namesake. I've bookmarked this site for gift ideas. Great Catholic ideas.
I have one of Anna's 'early model' priestly pencil toppers and it's a treasured item - even you 3 young sons just love it (they had little gnome pencil toppers, but prefer my priestly one).
Anna does such lovely work and every time I look at the few items we have I think of her very fondly.
I agree Marina, when I look at Anna's work, I know she has made them with a lot of love and prayer.
The saint dolls are lovely. Thank you for sharing both in the giveaway, but the website as well. I know where I can go to for Christmas gifts for Godchildren this year!
I would love to see St. Clare!
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