Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Feast of the Miraculous Medal

Today is the feast of the Miraculous Medal. To those who are detovees to this special sacramental and the story behind it all, happy feast day!!

It was a timely reminder to finally get my Miraculous Medal locket and chain in for repairs AGAIN! It has been pulled and fingered by little chubby fingers for many years and even though the chain is strong, it is not strong enough for the facination of curious breastfeeders, namely my children!

In May this year the children and I made a Miraculous Medal Prayer Petition Mobile to hang all the intentions for which we pray daily, "Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." Here are the three parts to the making of it:

Part One
Part Two
The finished project

The prayer attached to this devotion, "Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." is a beautiful, powerful prayer, calling upon the motherly intercession of Our Lady to her Divine Son.

I have been pondering the biblical roots of our intercessory prayers to her, of late. The typology for it is beautiful. Jesus is the Son of David, He reigns on the throne of David - a Davidic Kingdom. If I were to ask you, "who was the Queen in that Old Testament kingdom?" what would you say?

Here is an excellent article written by Edward Sri that explains her Queenship and her intercessory power, a must read!!


Jen said...

Happy Feast Day!!! I've recently become even more attached to the Miraculous Medal and each time I see this project of yours I want to make one! I may have to make one in time for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Sweetness and Light said...

So beautiful!!! I love it and happy Feast to you too!! Thank you for posting this today :)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I love the mobile! How very creative - I wish my teenagers were little again so we could instil traditions like these into their hearts from a very young age.

Eileen said...

I found this post of yours through Meredith's sidebar last week. I just have to tell you how beautiful and inspiring your work is. I'm really enjoying perusing more of your beautiful blog as well. Thank you for sharing your incredible talents and your faith!
