Monday, December 3, 2007

Advent/Christmas Music to Soothe the Soul

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I have to confess, I do not have a big collection but the two I have, I really, really LOVE.

It would be nice to add a CD per season and if I were to look for another, definately a gregorian chant CD with specific Advent/Christmas Chants would be what I'd like.

Here the the two I can really recommend and I think I've tried to give links that enable you to hear a little of each track, I've given an Australian and US link for these CD's as well.

THE BIRTH OF JESUS - John Michael Talbot

John is a very well known music artist and this CD is quite spectacular, it is a CD that I'd like to play mainly in the later part of Advent as Christmas draws closer and closer.

(can listen to the tracks here)

- this price is HALF PRICE, so great buying!


This hauntingly beautiful CD is just so meditative and soul-touching. I have just started to play it this morning, good to school with, having it as gentle, soothing background music. It is a CD that you will never tire of hearing.

(listen to the tracks here)

(listen to the tracks here)
- this is where I first purchased my copy many years ago...

Do you have any favourites to share? Please leave them in my comments box, I'd love to check them out!

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