Monday, August 4, 2008

St Benedict's Well..

I had posted about our filtered water a few days ago - Healing for Soul and Body. Here is my little bit of crafting since as I was doing some artwork using tile paints for another part of our kitchen and so I thought I'd write the words, "St Benedict's Well" with part of the St Benedict Medal's symbols and lettering on either side of the words. It really reminds the children what is lying at the bottom of the container....

The new lid works much better too! (Just one of our ceramic bowls)


Jenny of Elefantz said...

Anne, you are so gifted! I wish I could do something like that on mine - if I could stitch it I'd be fine. LOL!

Anne (aussieannie) said...

Oh yes, it would be really something if you could stitch it on Jenny!!