Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Preparing for St Lucy's feast in advance

For the last two years we have developed a new custom for our family on the feast of Saint Lucy. We visit the christmas lights in our city, usually we find the winners for 'best lighted street' where every house in the street has christmas lights, for a maximum effect for the little ones.

St Lucy's name means 'light' and many traditions/customs and symbols are connected to her. Of course her feast day falls right in the middle of advent (13th of December) and so it has been lovely to blend advent with this feast in a special way.

Here is our posting last year for the feast.

This year, Saint Lucy's feast falls on a Saturday, which I am very excited about. It is a perfect opportunity to organize a barbeque in the early evening and then visit the lights with our Catholic families and friends, sharing the feast together!

Maybe there are other St Lucy traditions to encorporate into the evening? I'll certainly been reading more extensively on St Lucy in the days to come, and I am very open to any suggestions/traditions that others know of. Here is a great article from Nissa's blog, an article from her Simple Gifts magazine on St Lucia, definitely worth a read!

I thought I'd post early like this, in case others would like to do something similar and may need time to organize and plan. I hope to have a great posting up for her feast day this year!

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