It has taken me a week to get these photos up on here. My choir, Schola Cantorum sung last Saturday at the
Abbey Tournament. This medieval festival is the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere....(that sounds impressive, doesn't it?) But of course that is completely different than if I said, "The biggest Medieval Festival in the Northern Hemisphere..." As I would imagine that Europe would host the best festivals in the world complete with real castles etc..
But still it is a wonderful festival that attracts interstate and overseas visitors and it continues to grow each year. Big plans are underway to build a Medieval Villiage as a permanent fixture for daily visitors, which would naturally be the home to this glorious festival each year.
What can be boasted of at present, is their
Abbey Museum that is open daily, which contains may ancient and medieval artifacts including a shoe belonging to Mary, Queen of Scots and their
Chapel that is home to 14th century stained glass windows originally from Westminster Cathedral.
Our choir sings in the Chapel during the Saturday of the Festival. Starting with an hour workshop in the morning, a recital in the afternoon and chanting requiem chants and compline by candlelight in the early evening.
I have alot of photos to share so I will do it over two postings....enjoy!

Medieval re-enactors in their encampment.

A nice roast cooking in the Vikings Camp.

Roving minstrels...

Just a bit of medieval chinwagging...

The jouster's encampment.

The jouster's gear and finery...

Could you imagine facing a whole army of warriors wearing that mask-like helmet on our right? Gives me the shivers!

The gypsy encampment with young dancers.

Medieval minstrels.

Colourful encampment.

A peek inside a tent....

Wow! What fancy headgear.
"Er, um, excuse me sir, I think a dragon may have alighted on your helmet.."
These warriors obvious mean business if disturbed...

Here we are at the end of the day. (Actually, ready to sing compline over at the chapel.)
I will publish more photos soon of the jousting.
Also roast pigs and chanting.....could you ever imagine a connection between the two?
Wait until the next posting!!
Can't wait for your next post, Anne! You and the kids look great!
I love the pictures! They all look great!
What a wonderful looking festival!
How wonderful!
And what a treat the pictures are. :)
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