Here is one on pg 76:
The Mother of Dolors
O Mother of Dolors, by the anguish and love with which thou didst stand beneath the cross of Jesus, stand by me in my last agony. To thy maternal heart I commend the three last hours of my life.
Offer these hours to the Eternal Father, in union with the agony of our dearest Lord. Offer in atonement for my sins the Precious Blood of Jesus, mingled with thy tears on Calvary, to obtain for me the grace to receive Holy Communion with dispositions of perfect love and contrition immediately before my death, and to breathe forth my soul in the actual presence of Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament.
Dearest Mother, when the moment of my death has at length arrived, present me as thy child to Jesus, and say to Him, “Forgive her and receive her this day into Thy kingdom.”
O Mother of Dolors, by the anguish and love with which thou didst stand beneath the cross of Jesus, stand by me in my last agony. To thy maternal heart I commend the three last hours of my life.
Offer these hours to the Eternal Father, in union with the agony of our dearest Lord. Offer in atonement for my sins the Precious Blood of Jesus, mingled with thy tears on Calvary, to obtain for me the grace to receive Holy Communion with dispositions of perfect love and contrition immediately before my death, and to breathe forth my soul in the actual presence of Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament.
Dearest Mother, when the moment of my death has at length arrived, present me as thy child to Jesus, and say to Him, “Forgive her and receive her this day into Thy kingdom.”
And this beautiful prayer on pg 59.
A Daily Oblation to the Sacred Heart
Jesus, my only Treasure, I give Thee every one of my thoughts, actions, breaths, steps and movements from now until the hour of my death. Come for me then, dear Jesus, and grant me the grace I most humbly and ardently crave, that of dying in Thy Sacramental embrace while yet incorporated with Thy Sacred Body, and of being presented by Thee to Thy Eternal Father, spotless from the Fountain of Thy Precious Blood. Amen.
A Daily Oblation to the Sacred Heart
Jesus, my only Treasure, I give Thee every one of my thoughts, actions, breaths, steps and movements from now until the hour of my death. Come for me then, dear Jesus, and grant me the grace I most humbly and ardently crave, that of dying in Thy Sacramental embrace while yet incorporated with Thy Sacred Body, and of being presented by Thee to Thy Eternal Father, spotless from the Fountain of Thy Precious Blood. Amen.
This prayer is on pg 53.
Prayer to the Precious Blood
Most Precious Blood of Life Eternal, price of sinful man’s redemption, by whose saving streams the thirst of souls is quenched, and their stains are washed away, Thou Who dost plead the cause of man before the throne of infinite mercy, from the depths of my heart I adore Thee and desire, as much as lies in my power, to make atonement for the injuries and insults that are constantly offered Thee by mankind, and especially by those who rashly dare to blaspheme Thee. Who will not bless and praise this Blood of infinite value? Whose soul would not be inspired with love for Jesus Who shed It all for us? What would be my fate, had I not been redeemed by this Divine Blood? And what drew Thee from the veins of my Saviour even to the last drop? It was love! O boundless love, which has given us this saving balm! O priceless balm, welling from the fount of immeasurable love! Grant that all hearts and tongues may praise Thee, magnify Thee, and give Thee thanks, now and throughout all ages. Amen.
Prayer to the Precious Blood
Most Precious Blood of Life Eternal, price of sinful man’s redemption, by whose saving streams the thirst of souls is quenched, and their stains are washed away, Thou Who dost plead the cause of man before the throne of infinite mercy, from the depths of my heart I adore Thee and desire, as much as lies in my power, to make atonement for the injuries and insults that are constantly offered Thee by mankind, and especially by those who rashly dare to blaspheme Thee. Who will not bless and praise this Blood of infinite value? Whose soul would not be inspired with love for Jesus Who shed It all for us? What would be my fate, had I not been redeemed by this Divine Blood? And what drew Thee from the veins of my Saviour even to the last drop? It was love! O boundless love, which has given us this saving balm! O priceless balm, welling from the fount of immeasurable love! Grant that all hearts and tongues may praise Thee, magnify Thee, and give Thee thanks, now and throughout all ages. Amen.
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