I hope you can pop in and visit me on the Tuesdays of this year as I spend time chatting about Saint Anne, the mother of Our Lady. If you are a devotee to Mary, you will in time learn why devotion to her own mother is so pleasing to her.
She is the perfect patroness for Christian Mothers - in all our needs. I have so much to thank her for over the years, she has never let me down but only chooses to bless me in more deeper ways than I expected...
My "Tuesdays with Saint Anne" image is of my own little altar I have in my lounge (on top of my sorting centre) set up in her honour. The statue had only arrived in the mail yesterday morning from New York, as I had previously a framed picture there in it's place, it can now go back in my bedroom... I have my St Anne chaplet and her prayer manual, as well as St Anne's Holy Oil. And the little Russian Icon with Our Lady and the Child Jesus in the forefront and St Anne and St Joachim on either side, well that treasured picture is a story in itself and I'll save it for a Tuesday to come....
I do hope you can drop in on Tuesdays, if you can't visit that regularly, the postings will be under 'labels' in my sidebar.
My first Tuesday will talking about why 'Tuesdays' are special, in devotion to St Anne.
God bless, Anne
She is the perfect patroness for Christian Mothers - in all our needs. I have so much to thank her for over the years, she has never let me down but only chooses to bless me in more deeper ways than I expected...
My "Tuesdays with Saint Anne" image is of my own little altar I have in my lounge (on top of my sorting centre) set up in her honour. The statue had only arrived in the mail yesterday morning from New York, as I had previously a framed picture there in it's place, it can now go back in my bedroom... I have my St Anne chaplet and her prayer manual, as well as St Anne's Holy Oil. And the little Russian Icon with Our Lady and the Child Jesus in the forefront and St Anne and St Joachim on either side, well that treasured picture is a story in itself and I'll save it for a Tuesday to come....
I do hope you can drop in on Tuesdays, if you can't visit that regularly, the postings will be under 'labels' in my sidebar.
My first Tuesday will talking about why 'Tuesdays' are special, in devotion to St Anne.
God bless, Anne
Delightful, I can't wait!!
I'm so excited. I have recently felt a real devotion to St. Anne. Where did you get that beautiful statue?
Cindy I bought it off ebay from a seller in New York, so it was once loved by someone in your part of the world!
Looking forward to this, Anne!
How fun! I'll be sure to drop by every Tuesday!
What a lovely idea. I've always thought of St. Anne as a heavenly grandma. I'll be here every Tuesday.
I'd love to join you!
You are always such an inspriration, this is certainly going to be edifying.
May I please ask for prayers? My name is Maria, I'm 41, and recently married (6/16/07). My husband and I want children very much. However we haven't been able to concieve yet. I had an issue with ovarian cysts. On Feb. 12th 2008 I had surgery to get rid of them. On that day the doctor told me I had severe endometriosis, massive adhesians (which is why they had to do the stomach opening surgery), and the two cysts were endometriomas. I was devastated. I never knew I had endomtriosis. Growing up though I knew a girl who was married and had endometriosis. I remember she had trouble getting pregnant. Unfortanately I lost touch with her so I do not know if she was able to have children. I pray she was able to have them.
I know I am blessed to have such a wonderful Catholic husband. He would make such a great Dad. I feel bad that I might not be able to give him children.
I have a devotion to the Blessed Mother and the Rosary. I pray the Rosary every day especially when I'm feeling down about my recent diagnosis. I also love to pray to St. Anne. I have been told many times to pray to her.
I was wondering:
1) Could you please pray for me to St. Anne?
2) What St. Anne prayers do you recommend? Does anybody have a novena to her?
3) What is the Tuesday devotion to St. Anne? I'd love to hear more!
I'd LOVE to hear from other Catholic ladies. Maybe you could pray for me and send an encouraging word or two?
May God Bless you.
Does anybody know where I can get a St. Anne chaplet??
I will be happy to pray for you Maria.
Any and all prayers to St Anne are beautiful, here is a website with many and two novenas to choose from. http://www.2heartsnetwork.org/Anne.htm
The next posting, this coming Tuesday will explain why Tuesday is St Anne’s day.
Please continue to visit on the Tuesdays for encouragement Maria, St Anne is certainly the saint to take your trials to for peace of mind and answers to prayers.
Here are two websites that sell St Anne Chaplets:
And here is a website that explains how to say the chaplet:
God Bless you, Anne
Thanks, Aussie Anne, from another Southern-Hemisphere Ana--aah, do I miss the Southern Cross in the night sky. I will be checking in!
So very special! I love your altar and can't wait to join you on Tuesdays with Saint Anne.
St Anne is special to me. My only daughter is named after her, being due on her feast day AND she is the saint I chose for myself out of the saint basket this year! I hope to join you too and thank you for promoting devotion to St. Anne!
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